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Image RGB to CMYK : Image Conversion - MATLAB Code (RGB to CMYK, CMYK to RGB)

MATAB use makecform and applycform functions to perform this color model conversion 


I_rgb = imread('lena_color.jpg'); %Read the color image 

C = makecform('srgb2cmyk');     %srgb (standard rgb) to cmyk 

I_CMYK= applycform(I_rgb,C);


imwrite(I_CMYK, 'test.tiff');

USE IMFINFO to confirm the conversion


the command gives the output

Width: 512
Height: 512
BitDepth: 32
ColorType: 'CMYK'


I_CMYK = imread('lena_color.jpg'); %Read the color image 

C = makecform('cmyk2srgb');     %srgb (standard rgb) to cmyk 

I_rgb= applycform(I_CMYK, C);


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